Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Memorial Work Dayish

 Is there somethin' about this picture that makes me think that Rob is doing the work today....

Well I can bet when I was not buzzie gabbing it up with Shar she was a big helper. Summer there daughter is a part of Girl Scout Troop #60057 this is the plot that is put together by the Girl Scout troop and The Busy Hands Gardening Club.

 They have a great soaker hose system set up with cute carvings on all the raised beds.
 Shar and Rob said it was done with a router. Easy peazie!

I noted they have a great variety of plants as do all the plot lovers. This one has some tomatoes, basil, and look below the blueberry bush has a few little blueberries. I see jam ....Oui

Looking back at the Lugo family it reminds me how sweet it is when you can do something with all hands on deck.

I just get so tickled to meet you all out there. Who is next???

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